What's New at Travel*Food*Cool
Garlic Smashed Potatoes
Let’s talk about sidekicks. Batman had Robin. Lucy had Ethel. Fred had Barney. Laverne had Shirley. Bruce has the E Street Band. What is a good sidekick for dinner? How about some garlic smashed potatoes? Fingerling potatoes are great for dinner. They are small stubby, […]
Pack a Pint of Pickled Peppers
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pecks of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? Here is the easy answer: you can pack a pint of pickled peppers (and a little bit extra) using this quick and easy recipe. (And when […]
Southwest Chicken Chop Salad (a reboot)
Thanksgiving Monday! Let’s give thanks for a day off work! Most people probably spent some or all of the weekend eating, and probably eating a lot! While many families cook large turkeys, my family always cooked chicken. I’m not sure why, but the Lawrence Thanksgiving dinner […]
Thank You, Coffee!
Last week, I wrote a post about coffee and its history for International Coffee Day. Missed it? You can read it here. The Italians love their caffè. They also like caffè corretto, which is an expression I love. The coffee is “corrected” by adding a shot […]
A Toast to Corona
Ah, Corona. All who knew you, loved you. A beautiful, friendly Chihuahua and my wife’s constant companion and best friend during a decade-long love affair, we lost her on September 2, one month ago. Fashionista, therapy dog, traveller, foodie, consummate snuggler, bootie-hater and relentless shedder, […]
Meet Me for a Coffee?
October 1st is International Coffee Day! Sorry, but again I will be the bearer of bad news and let you know that it is not a “real” holiday, so you still have to go to work. I’m sure most of you are thinking “Ummm, Elin, […]
Slow Cooked Pork and Potatoes
Back to school! Ugh! Basically, you now have less time to get everything done. Or maybe it just feels that way! Hands up if you have very little free time during the work week. Most people I know, between their jobs, classes and/or families, have […]