Home base: Toronto, Canada; Umbria, Italy
Vacation: any time I can
Favourite quotes:
- “The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only a page”
- “Mangia mangia”
- “Where did you find that?”
- “If you don’t own a slow cooker, go out and buy one right now.”
Full-time job, part-time hobbies and lots of varied interests.
Married to my favourite travel companion, Pete.
Mother of a much loved (and spoiled) Chihuahua, Corona, who sadly left us September 2017.
Stepmom. Aunt. Sister. Daughter.
I hold degrees in Science (Biology/Psychology), Business (Marketing/Finance), a Culinary Certificate from George Brown and put myself through University waitressing and bartending.
I am very fortunate to have very creative and interesting friends, whom you may meet in future posts.
I’ve restored a farm house in Italy. For more details see: www.bellaelin.com
Explorer. Gourmand. Hostess. Chatelaine. Cocktailer. Golfer.
Interested in collaborating? Send me an email: elin @ travelfoodcool . com

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